[Approx. 21 DAYS]
Induction class has a sole purpose of introducing the new student to our community, helping each man feel at "home", and loving on them while they go through the initial challenges of this new lifestyle change. The men learn to acclimate to the daily discipline that will be required of them throughout the program. In addition, they learn to find refuge from the chaos that drugs and alcohol have brought to their lives. Each man begins to learn how to live a new life in Christ. They are introduced to Jesus and they begin to see there is hope, despite the devastating consequences they have found themselves in.
A man is taught how to journal and hear from the Lord. Journaling is one of the most important tools learned at Dunklin, and this is where a man begins to open up the communication line with his God, his Redeemer, and the words of truth begin to seep into his heart and help transform his thinking.
When arriving at Dunklin, men are given a "big brother" (a man in the latter phases of the program) to guide him and help set him up for success. He will also participate in a classroom environment to learn specific lessons crucial in the initial "rescue" stage of his recovery. The "big brother" serves as a mentor to not only teach the rules and to help him adapt to this new culture, but also to give him the specific one - on - one attention necessary to make it through one of the most trying and critical times of the program. Induction offers the opportunity for a man to start afresh and begin building a healthy foundation to a whole new lifestyle.

Jeremy Holtman
2007 Graduate
Todd Mercer
2006 Graduate

[Approx. 3 WEEKS]
The Transition Phase is designed to address the specific areas of legal, financial, and relational devastation that has occurred thru their actions, living the lifestyle of addiction. It gives the men a little more time to adjust and transition to the new environment and grow in relationship with peers and the Holy Spirit. The men are being prepared to be a part of our peer evaluation, where men are taught how to give and receive accountability. This is where we take another step deeper into learning to deal with attitudes, feelings, and emotions thru our relationships with one another and our personal relationship with Christ.

Sean Phillips
2020 Graduate
George Moore
2021 Graduate

The Orientation phase of the program is designed to assist the student in developing two main areas: trust and ownership. Being able to trust God and the other men in the program is absolutely essential in enabling them to begin to break down the walls that have kept them bound in their addiction. Second, and of utmost importance, each man begins to take ownership of his life and the choices he has made. It becomes clear to him how his own decisions have adversely affected his life and the lives of others. As a result, he begins to take responsibility for his actions and develops an attitude of integrity.
They are asked to look intently at the consequences they have caused. The state of denial they remained in for so long begins to dissipate and reality rises to the surface. They begin to see what has been jeopardized in relationships and opportunities lost. Without this help, most addicts remain in a state of fantasy, which enables them to continue in the cycle of addiction. Orientation affords a man the opportunity to remove the “blinders” and to see his life in a true way and initiate the process of repairing what has been broken.
This entire process is done in a spirit of love and forgiveness, recognizing that the purpose is not to condemn and shame, but to be set free from the disastrous cycle of addiction. Truth and honesty are at the core of our recovery.
[Approx. 5 WEEKS]

Ryan Bard
2021 Graduate
Eric Suarez
2020 Graduate

[5 -15 WEEKS]
In Regeneration, men will learn both the physical and psychological aspects of chemical dependency and learn to take a deeper responsibility for their recovery. This level of the program explores stages of growing chemical dependency and the lifestyle change that is necessary on the journey of recovery. It includes scientific knowledge about chemical dependency as well as insights into the damage done to our thinking process. It is important to see how the mind has been contaminated in order to understand the controlling effects of addiction. The lessons are also designed to expose the denial and defense mechanisms that are so prevalent in the addict’s life.​
The men also begin to be given positions of responsibility on the job site, in the dorms, and with the care of their “younger brothers” as they enter the program. In addition, small groups begin to become a part of their recovery. Twice a week, men get to participate in these groups, where they are encouraged to develop trust with other men and learn to process their past in a healthy, functional way.

Kevin Tompkins
2014 Graduate
Cody Spencer
2018 Graduate

Inner Healing is a 9-week period of time allotted where the men in the program intently focus on the issues deep within them. All of us have damaging experiences and situations that have occurred in our lives. Inner Healing helps expose the roots of these wounds and allows each man to look at the pain within that helped contribute to the destructive behavior patterns they resorted to. The purpose, again, is to not lay hold of a “victim” mentality but to be set free from the emotional and mental trauma that has plagued them for so many years. The ultimate goal of Inner Healing is to experience in an authentic way the forgiveness, love, and healing that only Christ can offer.​
The lessons in this class are designed to stimulate past wounds and hurts and then to process them in a healthy way. Some of the classes and discussions are focused on the causes of rejection, the grieving process, judgments, sexual addiction, and, above all, forgiveness. As a result, men are brought to a place of healing.
Most addicts come from a life of dysfunction where many times they were victimized or abused as children. The problem is that very same hurt that caused anger and resentment has turned them from being a victim into a victimizer. The men learn to recognize this and are guided into a maturing process. Taking ownership and responsibility is a main focal point of this area of the recovery process.

Dave Garton
1988 Graduate
Zach Gilhooly
2015 Graduate
Patrick Koski
2015 Graduate

Discipleship lasts 9 weeks, and is the last class in the 10-month regeneration program. Here the men are held to a high spiritual standard. They are the leaders in the program, and they are expected to live as such. The disciples are given numerous leadership opportunities that encourage a sense of worth. Some of the positions assigned are dorm monitors, job site leaders, and a journal mentor where they are responsible for teaching younger brothers in the program how to journal and hear from the Lord.
The lessons that are taught in the classroom are meant to challenge faulty belief systems about God and their own personal relationship with Him. At this phase, the sociogram or peer evaluation is a tool that is continuously used but on a deeper level of accountability. The men also return to small groups, where they help lead and guide the younger brothers in their recovery process. Again, we are teaching important principles such as giving back and helping others. After Discipleship, the men have completed the program, and they go on to graduate upon fulfilling all of the requirements.

Andy Williams
2006 Graduate
Taylor Brewington
2019 Graduate

[10 WEEKS]
Stage II is a ten-week class that is encouraged for graduates who are single. This period of time offers additional support for the men to learn and walk in their new belief system by providing them more freedom and support.
S.L.T. is a one-year commitment for men who feel they may be called into the recovery ministry. This advanced training introduces a man to the concept of becoming a servant in Christ and provides an amplified look at the cost of discipleship.
Staff Training is for the man who has completed all of the other training offered and is desiring to continue to grow in his leadership abilities and skills.