The single most important factor for admittance into Dunklin's program is a man's attitude. Each incoming resident is interviewed to see if he has a sincere desire to find spiritual help. We have found that we cannot help a man until he is ready to let God hlep him.

Are you ready to be RESCUED, REDEEMED & RESTORED from your addiction? IT'S TIME TO BE MADE

The single most important factor for admittance into Dunklin's program is a man's attitude. Each incoming resident is interviewed to see if he has a sincere desire to find spiritual help.
We have found that we cannot help a man until he is ready to let God help him.
Initial Intake Call
We require that the man interested in the program call our intake
[772.597.2841] to discuss why he wants to enter the program and his current situation. Please note we do not accept collect calls.
Review our program packet AND fill out an online application.
This packet contains VERY important information regarding our program and is designed to help you make an informed decision about Dunklin and if it may be the right place for you. You will need to bring this packet signed to your intake interview.
Schedule Admissions Interview
An in-person interview must be scheduled with our program director during normal working, business hours (Monday - Friday | 8 am - 5 pm). You must call to schedule this appointment once your application has been submitted.
In-person interview
Incoming residents should bring their social security card, a photo I.D., items listed in the program packet and their signed program packet to the intake interview.
The admissions interview should in no way
be interpreted as automatic acceptance into the program; the purpose is to discern if a man is truly ready to receive help and determine how we can best meet his particular needs.

The cost for the ten-month residential program is $8,200 (upon successful graduation of the program a $4000 scholarship is awarded, if you leave the program for whatever reason prior to graduation the cost is $200 per week in the program).
However, no one will be denied admittance due to lack of funds. Financial arrangements will be discussed and made during the admissions interview.
*This is the portion in which men seeking help are responsible for,
the difference is made up by generous gifts from supporters*